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作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2022-01-01


International Joint SPSD Lab

国际联合实验室 空间规划学博士点

International Joint LAB of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development has been launched from Oct. 10, 2021 in Graduate School of Natural Science and Technologyunder the cooperation betweenCross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute and Kanazawa University for international joint research and education in the field of Spatial Planning and sustiable development through on-job PhD program. Attempt to explore environmental policy, energy saving technology for smart city construction, compare spatial planning system and planning support technology worldwide, we are carring out international cooperative research projects on smart city planning and design, visualization of digital twin cities and smart service management systems.

Prof, Qizhi MAO

Cooperative professor at Tsinghua University

in International Joint SPSD LAB

Kanazawa University - Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute

Prof. Jiane ZUO

Cooperative professor at Tsinghua University

in International Joint SPSD LAB

Kanazawa University - Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute

Prof. Ying LONG

Cooperative professor at Tsinghua University

in International Joint SPSD LAB

Kanazawa University - Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute

International Cooperation with SPSD-LAB

International Joint SPSD Lab is a cooperative lab in the field of spatial planning and sustainable development under cooperation with the following universities

Prof, ZHANG MingProf. PAI JetteProf. LIU YanProf. HUANG GuangweiProf. CHEN XiaohuiDr. PUTERI FitriatyDr. MEZIANI Rim

- Prof. Ming ZHANG, The university of Texas at Austin

- Prof. Jente PAI, Chengchi Univerisity

- Prof. Yan LIU, The University of Queensland

- Prof. Guangwei HUANG, Sophia University

- Dr. Hailong SU, Fudan University

- Dean Guoan FANG, Shanghai Institute of Geological Survey

- Prof. Xiaohui CHEN, Fuzhou University

- Dr. Puteri FITRIATY, Tadulako University

- Dr. Rim MEZIANI, Abu Dhuai University